Forja de identidades tras el cruce de fronteras: liberales y carlistas en el exilio europeo del siglo XIX (1814-1872)

Contenido principal del artículo

Sergio Cañas Díez
Rebeca Viguera Ruiz


El exilio se presenta como un fenómeno inherente a la realidad española de los últimos siglos. Fue una constante a lo largo del siglo XIX y marcó la trayectoria de todos aquellos que lo sufrieron, liberales y carlistas en gran manera, tanto de un punto de vista personal como desde la perspectiva ideológica de sus principios políticos. En el caso español y teniendo el marco europeo como referencia espacial, se trató de una experiencia que puso en contacto a distintos personajes con las corrientes europeas de pensamiento de su momento. Así, el exilio contribuyó a forjar varias generaciones de hombres comprometidos con los nuevos y los viejos ideales que estuvieron en lucha durante toda la centuria.

Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Cañas Díez, S., & Viguera Ruiz, R. (2019). Forja de identidades tras el cruce de fronteras: liberales y carlistas en el exilio europeo del siglo XIX (1814-1872). Aportes. Revista De Historia Contemporánea, 34(101). Recuperado a partir de
Biografía del autor/a

Sergio Cañas Díez, Universidad de La Rioja

Sergio Cañas Díez. Degree in Humanities (2006) and Doctor in Contemporary History with international mention by the University of La Rioja (2016). He has been FPI predoctoral fellow at the University of La Rioja (2011-2015). Study center where he has taught in the subject Social and economic history. He has also worked during several courses (2013, 2014 and 2018) at the University of Salerno (Italy) as a foreign researcher, forming part of the Interdepartmental Center for the Study of Conflict in Contemporary Ages (CIRCEC) and integrating different groups and research projects Italians He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of La Rioja (Spain) and a member of the research group "History of the twentieth century: society, politics and culture", belonging to the University of Zaragoza, center in which he works in the current academic year.

Rebeca Viguera Ruiz, Universidad de La Rioja

Rebeca Viguera Ruiz. PhD in Contemporary History with European Mention and Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the University of La Rioja (Spain), she graduated in Humanities at the University of La Rioja with the best degree award. She was an FPI Research Fellow, and since the 2007/2008 academic year she is professor of Contemporary History at the University of La Rioja. She has several predoctoral research stays at international centers (University of Cambridge, 2007) and national centers (University of Valencia and University of Cantabria, 2008). In a postdoctoral experience he has research stays at The City University of New York (CUNY, 2011) and New York University (NYU, 2012). Subsequently, he visited the same university and Harvard University as Visiting Scholar during several courses, and in 2016 he was linked as a Senior to the Latin American Center at The University of Oxford.