Spain’s democratic transition and its influence on the country’s “individual” and “collective” internationalisation
Contenido principal del artículo
This article seeks to analyse the influence of Spain’s democratic transition on the internationalisation of its foreign relations at levels which are bilateral (involving "individual" internationalisation) and multilateral ("collective" internationalisation). Analysis in pursuit of that goal encompassed relations with selected polities (the United States, United Kingdom, France, Portugal, The Holy See, Arab countries, Israel, the CEECs and Latin American states), as well as two international organisations (NATO and the Council of Europe). The work proceeded on the assumption that "internationalisation" constitutes the international expansion of a country, i.e. a process establishing relationships with external entities of various kinds. As regards methodology, use was made of the institutional-legal technique, decision-making elements, and the behavioural and comparative method, with arguments founded in the content of selected books, articles and other source materials (including politicians’ speeches). The work confirms a thesis as to a positive impact of Spain’s democratisation on its internationalisation, be that "individual" or "collective". Indeed, the process can be viewed as a necessary condition for Spain to recover full rights in the international arena
Detalles del artículo

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